Does all this work? Let me put it this way; I’ve witnessed
three miracles in my life:
1. The birth of my daughter.
2. The birth of my son.
3. My wife and I not fighting about money anymore!
Statistics show that the number one cause of all relationship breakups is money. The biggest reason behind the fights people have about money is not the money itself, but the
mismatch of their “blueprints.” It doesn’t matter how much money you have or don’t have. If your blueprint doesn’t match that of the person you’re dealing with, you’ll have a major challenge. This goes for married couples, dating couples, family relationships, and even business associates. The key is to comprehend that you are dealing with blueprints, not money. Once you recognize a person’s money blueprint, you can deal with your partner in a way that works for both of you. You can begin by becoming aware that your partner’s money files are probably not the same as yours. Instead of getting
upset, choose understanding. Do your best to find out what’s important to your partner in the arena of money and identify his or her motivations and fears. In this way, you’ll be dealing with the roots instead of the fruits and have a good shot of making it work. Otherwise, no way, Jose! One of the most important things you will learn, should you
decide to attend the Millionaire Mind Intensive Seminar, is how to recognize your partner’s money blueprint as well as how to create a brand-new blueprint between both of you that helps you as partners get what you really want. It is truly a blessing to be able to do this, as it alleviates one of the biggest causes of pain for most people.
Steps for Change: Specific Incidents Here’s an exercise you can do with your partner. Sit down and discuss the history each of you brings to your thoughts about money—what you heard when you were young, what was modeled in your family, and any emotional incidents that occurred. Also, find out what money really means to your partner. Is it pleasure or freedom or security or status? This will assist you in identifying each other’s current money blueprint and may help you discover why you might be disagreeing
in this arena.
Next, discuss what you want today not as individuals, but as a partnership. Decide and agree upon your general goals and attitudes with regard to money and success. Then create a list of these attitudes and actions you both agree to live by and write them down. Post them on the wall, and if ever there’s an issue, gently, very gently, remind each other what you decided together when you were both objective, unemotional, and
outside the grip of your old money blueprints.
AWARENESS: Consider a specific emotional incident you
experienced around money when you were young.
UNDERSTANDING: Write down how this incident may
have affected your current financial life.
DISASSOCIATION: Can you see this way of being is only
what you learned and isn’t you? Can you see you have a
choice in the present moment to be different?
DECLARATION: Place your hand on your heart and say...
“I release my nonsupportive money experiences from
the past and create a new and rich future.”
Touch your head and say...
“I have a millionaire mind!”
So What Is Your Money Blueprint Set For?
Now, it’s time to answer the “million dollar” question. What is your current money and success blueprint, and what results is it subconsciously moving you toward? Are you set for success, mediocrity, or financial failure? Are you programmed for struggle or for ease around money? Are you set for working hard for your money or working in balance? Are you conditioned for having a consistent income or an inconsistent income? You know the scoop: “First you have it, then you don’t, then you have it, then you don’t.” It always appears as though the reasons for these drastic fluctuations come from the outside world. For instance: “I got a greatpaying job but then the company folded. Then I started my
own business and things were booming, but the market dried up. My next business was doing super, but then my partner left, et cetera.” Don’t be fooled, this is your blueprint at work. Are you set for having a high income, a moderate income, or a low income? Did you know there are actual dollar amounts for which many of us are programmed? Are you set for earning $20,000 to $30,000 a year? $40,000 to $60,000? $75,000 to $100,000? $150,000 to $200,000? $250,000 a year or more? A few years ago, I had an unusually well-dressed gentleman in the audience during one of my two-hour evening. seminars. When the seminar was complete, he came over and asked if I thought the three-day Millionaire Mind course could do anything for him, considering he was already earning
$500,000 a year. I asked him how long he’d earned that kind of money. He responded, “Consistently, for about seven years now.” That was all I needed to hear. I asked him why he wasn’t earning $2 million a year. I told him that the program was for
people who want to reach their full financial potential and asked him to consider why he was “stuck” at half a million. He decided to come to the program.
I got an e-mail from him a year later that said, “The program was incredible but I made a mistake. I only reset my money blueprint to earn the $2 million a year as we discussed.
I’m already there, so I’m attending the course again to reset it for earning $10 million a year.” The point I want to make is that the actual amounts don’t matter. What matters is whether you are reaching your full financial potential. I know many of you might be asking, why on earth would anyone need that kind of money? First, that very question is not overly supportive to your wealth and is a sure sign you’ll want to revise your money blueprint. Second, the main reason this gentleman wanted to earn massive
amounts of money was to support his work as a huge donor to a charity that assists AIDS victims in Africa. So much for the belief that rich people are “greedy”!
Let’s go on. Are you programmed for saving money or for spending money? Are you programmed for managing your money well or mismanaging it? Are you set for picking winning investments or picking losers? You might wonder, “How could whether or not I make money in the stock market or in real estate be part of my blueprint?” Simple. Who picks the stock or the property? You do. Who picks when you buy it? You do. Who picks
when you sell it? You do. I guess you’ve got something to do with the equation.
I have an acquaintance in San Diego named Larry. Larry is a magnet when it comes to making money: he definitely has a high income blueprint. But he has the kiss of death when it comes to investing his money. Whatever he buys drops like a rock. (Would you believe his dad had the exact same problem? Duh!) I keep in close touch with Larry so I can ask him for investment advice. It is always perfect... perfectly wrong! Whatever Larry suggests, I go the other way. I love Larry! On the other hand, notice how other people seem to have what we termed earlier the Midas touch. Everything they get involved with turns to gold. Both the Midas-touch and the kiss-of-death syndromes are nothing more than the manifestations of money blueprints. Once again, your money blueprint will determine your financial life—and even your personal life. If you are a woman whose money blueprint is set for low, chances are you will attract a man who is also set for low so you can stay in your financial “comfort zone” and validate your blueprint. If you are a man who is set for low, chances are you will attract a woman who is a spender and gets rid of all your money, so you can stay in your financial “comfort zone” and validate your blueprint.
Most people believe the success of their business is primarily dependent on their business skills and knowledge or at least their timing of the marketplace. I hate to be the one to
break it to you, but that’s la-la land, which is another way of saying, not a chance!
~ Secrets of the Millionaire Mind by T. Harv Eker